SBL schedule available NOW

From: Perry L. Stepp (
Date: Mon Aug 31 1998 - 13:55:51 EDT

Actually, the schedule of sessions is now available online--I just checked
it out, at the address Jeffrey gave.

I will be in Orlando, I'm presenting in the Luke-Acts Group at some point in
the late afternoon, Saturday 21 November. But I'd love to get a chance to
put faces with names and meet the other members of this excellent list. So
count me in!


Pastor, DeSoto Christian Church, DeSoto TX
Ph.D. Candidate in Religion, Baylor University
#1 Cowboy Fan
Keeper of the Top-10, news://

It is tremendous folly to put trashy people in positions
of trust and conspicuousness.

                       --George Will, 6 August 1998


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