Re: Phil. 4:13-Who TWi ENDUNAMOUNTI ME

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Sat Sep 05 1998 - 10:05:28 EDT

At 12:22 PM 9/5/98, you wrote:
>On Fri 4 Sep 98 (23:35:08 +0000), wrote:
>> After all, as Westcott taught us, when Vaticanus and Alexandrinus
>> agree- the reading is almost certainly to be preferred.
> Errrm, shouldn't that be Aleph and B (Sinaiticus and Vaticanus)?

Yup- but I added Alexandrinus cause I like it best of all.

> Ben
> Revd Ben Crick, BA CF
> <>
> 232 Canterbury Road, Birchington, Kent, CT7 9TD (UK)
Jim West, ThD
Quartz Hill School of Theology

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