From: Benjamin Raymond (
Date: Sun Sep 13 1998 - 05:07:29 EDT

At 07:51 AM 9/11/98 -0500, you wrote:
I really don't like to be a whiner about help that is supplied from
people's reference software, but may I suggest transliterating the Greek
cited in quoted references like this into one of our standard schemes,
please? Although I can figure out some of this cited Greek which, when
pasted into an e-mail message, will come up as gobbledy-gook for anyone who
doesn't have that font installed in the system, it's an effort indeed. When
I've cited stuff from Accordance, I've converted the Greek that's cited in
Louw and Nida or whatever into the standard B-Greek transliteration scheme.
This takes a bit of time, but I'd like to think it makes it more useful to
people reading the cited article.

Gee, and I was just remarking how fine it was to see familiar Greek
characters in a message! :-P

But I just happened to have the right font. It's certainly best to
transliterate for the common good.

Benjamin Raymond
senior, Harding University School of Biblical Studies
HU Box 11871, 900 E Center
Searcy, AR 72149-0001

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