Re: Septuagint????

Date: Wed Sep 23 1998 - 22:10:46 EDT


Sorry about the Vulgate-Septuagint mix-up. I got so excited about finding
the Vulgate on-line that I
lost my head. I realized as I was walking home what I had done--my
roomate can verify for me that
I kept hitting my head telling myself "Wait--Vulgate is Latin, so why did
I post that to the Greek list?
Oh-Yeah--because I'm an idiot!! "

Oh well. Now I'll have to redeem myself by an digging up an old copy of
the Septuagint (literally
dig...) and scan it onto my web-site for you all. Will all be forgiven
then? ;)

Jeramy Townsley
Indiana University

On Wed, 23 Sep 1998, Carlton Winbery wrote:

> >Somebody had asked about an on-line version of the Septuagint. I don't
> >remember if anybody had any suggestions other then the morphological
> >Septuagint that I posted, but I have found a regular on-line Septuagint.
> >
> >It is at the following site:
> >
> >
> >
> >It is in the form of a search program, but you can type in something like
> >Genesis 1 in the "passage" box, and it will print up the whole thing for
> >you. WAAAAAY cool!!!
> >
> I could only find the Vulgate and some modern language translations, but no
> Septuagint.
> Carlton L. Winbery
> Fogleman Professor of Religion
> Louisiana College
> Pineville, LA 71359

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