Re: reading for vocabulary

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Tue Sep 08 1998 - 06:29:07 EDT

At 12:08 AM 9/8/98 -0700, Jane Harper wrote:
>Jim West wrote:
>> ? Huh? Vocabulary is best learned by reading.

When reading for vocabulary, it's really helpful to write down the new
words you learn for each verse. For me, at least, it really increases the
speed at which I learn. I'm not always that disciplined, though. What I
actually *do* is read the passage out loud several times.

>My pet peeve about the introductory textbooks to which I have been exposed
>both Hebrew and Greek] is that they *do not provide* enough reading for
>vocabulary to become fixed in my creaking old engrams. If I wander out to
>or the Greek NT, I find myself looking up every other word, and puzzling
>constructions to the detriment of finding the sense of the verse.

That's where Zerwick's Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament
comes in handy. It gives the meaning of each word that occurs less
frequently than 30 times in the GNT, and explains the difficult grammatical
constructions. With this in your hand, you can go out and *read*. See my
"Little Greek" page at "" for information on
Zerwick, and also my tips on reading.

>Has anyone any experience with Mounce's _Graded_Reader_ [or any other graded
>reader for NT Greek] and if so, how was it?
I never used this. I have a list of New Testament books on Little Greek,
graded by reading difficulty. With that list and Zerwick, I think you would
have a good starting point.


Jonathan Robie

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