Re: [Fwd: Re: EGW EIMI in GJohn (was Present tence copulative verbs)]

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Wed Sep 02 1998 - 08:58:53 EDT

At 06:45 PM 9/1/98 EDT, wrote:
>Here is a quote from Margaret Davies, Rhetoric and Reference in the Fourth
>Gospel (JSNTSup 69; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1992), 85, that
>Brown insists that the doubling of the `I am' in the Septuagint
translation of
>Isa. 43:25, `I, I am he who blots out your transgressions': ego eimi ego eimi
>exaleiphon. . .' means that the second `I am' is a declaration of the divine
>name. In other words, God declares, `I am "I am" (= divine name), who blots
>out your transgressions.' Were there evidence that elsewhere `I am' is the
>divine name, this would be a possible, but not a necessary reading of the
>Septuagint of Isa. 43:25 (and cf. Isa. 51:12).

What other readings are possible, and what is the evidence in favor of
them? Was my understanding of the Hebrew for Isaiah 45:19 correct? That is,
is the LXX phrase EGW EIMI EGW EIMI a translation of the Hebrew phrase ANiY
YeWaH, and does this phrase mean "I, the Lord" or "I, Yahweh"? If so, isn't
this evidence for Brown's position?

Texcel Research

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