Re: Present tence copulative verbs

Date: Mon Sep 07 1998 - 12:15:35 EDT

G. Ross wrote:

> I am 61 years of age and for the last 17 years an instructor of English at
> City College of San Francisco, a two-year or community college. I have also
> taught courses in ESL (this country), EFL (overseas), French, comparative
> literature, and general linguistics but now teach primarily courses that
> prepare students for first-year college English. I received B.A. and M.A.
> degrees in general linguistics from the University of California at Berkeley
> and studied three years toward an unfinished doctorate in French and
> comparative literature (the first two years at Catholic U. of America, the
> third at U.C., Berkeley). I studied biblical Hebrew for two quarters and
> biblical Aramaic for one quarter at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
> (Berkeley, Calif.) many years ago (1960-61). Although I studied elementary
> and intermediate classical Greek (the latter including Plato, Xenophon, and
> Aeschylus), my knowledge of NT Greek comes from my own reading. Several
> years of college classical Latin have helped me find my way around in the
> Biblia Vulgata. However, I am very rusty in all of these languages.

Gordon ~

This little educational bio is proof positive that God answers
prayers. Welcome to the list!

I have had this sneaking suspicion for some time now that when we get
into major divisions on the Greek grammar that the problem we are
having contains a very [un]healthy dosage of English grammatical
ignorance. Since we mostly all speak it as a primary language, we
assume that we know it. Not always so!

I'm glad to see you on board...


Lisa Messmer..................ICQ# 5666415
George Blaisdell

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