From: Christopher Hutson (crhutson@salisbury.net)
Date: Mon Sep 28 1998 - 12:22:03 EDT

Carl, Steven, et al.,

On the social dimensions of such words as PAREPIDHMOS and PAROIKOS and
so forth, you might want to look at John H. Elliott, _A Home for the
Homeless: A Sociological Exegesis of 1 Peter, Its Situation and
Strategy_ (Fortress Press, 1981).

It seems also that any consideration of the usage of such terms in the
NT should take into account the theological impact of apocalyptic
eschatology on the usage. That is, regardless of the actual social
location of the writer, the intended readers, or the characters
described in the narrative, the usage of such words may may be colored
by the idea that all believers are "strangers and exiles" on earth and
maintain only a heavenly "citizenship" (eg, Paul's usage of POLITEUMA
in Phil 3:20).

Keep plugging, Steven, and let us know what you churn up.


Christopher R. Hutson
          Hood Theological Seminary
          Salisbury, NC 28144

Steven Cox wrote:

>Sorry Carl I should have given ref.s
>You have put your finger on the spot in citing
>METOIKOI ; this is exactly what I am looking
>for - to establish whether there is significance
>in the above variation and whether there are
>different social classes of "aliens". Whether
>we can identify our 20th Century paradigms
>pilgrim, tourist, immigrant, refugee...
>So far have not got anywhere very spectacular
>with BAGD, LXX, MM, Louw-Nida and LSJ
>But I may not be thinking straight today.
>Best regards

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