Su tesis

From: Micheal Palmer (
Date: Wed Oct 07 1998 - 00:44:01 EDT

At 11:27 AM -0000 4/23/98, Gustavo Martin wrote:
>Dear Colleagues
>This is my first communication with the group. I have a question related
>to my PhD thesis that someone may be able to answer or point me in the
>right direction. I will, D.V., be submitting the finished product this
>summer. The title is
>'Transitivity and Foregrounding in the Acts of the Apostles,' essentially a
>deployment of Halliday's functional grammar with a focus on the 'who does
>what to whom' questions. My supervisor is Stanley Porter here in London
>and I am from Madrid, Spain.


The Greek Language and Linguistics Gateway (URL in the footer below)
contains a set of pages describing works in progress or recently completed
on Hellenistic Greek Linguistics. I wrote to you some time ago suggesting
that you might want to have your work described there. You responded as

>Me alegra poder colaborar con tu proyecto. Mandame cuando te parezca tu

Nunca he recibido tu respuesta al cuestionario. Todavia tienes interes?
Acaso no te llego el cuestionario?

Si todavia quieres colaborar, puedes tomar unos minutos para contestar las
preguntas que siguen?

> 1) Which category best describes your project?
> a) Doctoral dissertation
> b) Masters Thesis
> c) Book manuscript
> d) Article in production
> e) Paper for presentation at an upcoming meeting
> f) Other (Please explain)
> 2) What is title of your work, and what is its main topic?
> 3) What linguistic theory does it apply?
> 4) When do you expect to have completed the work?
> 5) Summarize the work in not more than 200 words.
> 6) Do you mind if users of the new web page contact you with questions
> about your work? If you do not mind, how should they contact you? (An email
> address is the preferred response here, but if you would rather be
> contacted by another means, please feel free to say so.)


Micheal W. Palmer
North Carolina State University
Philosophy and Religion (New Testament)
Foreign Languages (Ancient Greek)

Visit the Greek Language and Linguistics Gateway at
You can also access my online bibliography of Greek Linguistics at

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