Re: Accordance Error

From: Randy LEEDY (
Date: Tue Oct 06 1998 - 14:52:28 EDT

I don't know whether or not this point has already been made, but,
Bill, you'll notice that the next verse (1Cor. 10:10) reads KAI
APWLONTO hUPO TOU OLOQREUTOU. Here you've got your hUPO phrase with an
aorist form that can only be middle. BAGD treats the form as middle
(due, no doubt, to its unambiguously middle voice use in contexts such
as v. 10), so I think Accordance is right at this point and Mounce and
perhaps some other tools as well simply missed a detail and
consquently messed up.

I checked my new "New Linguistic and Exegetical Key..." (update and
expansion of Reinecker), and I find that they tagged APWLLUNTO as
"mid./pass." and APWLONTO as "mid. (dep."). That'll give Carl fits,
I'm sure, and rightly so, I think.

Speaking of Reinecker's "Linguistic Key," I am reviewing this brand
new edition, and I'm hoping for a bit of help. I never used the old
edition much because of the high degree of inaccuracy in its data. But
I've never made a list of errata. So now I'm having difficulty
assessing what percentage of the problems have been cleaned up. I see
some improvements and I see some errors remaining, but I'd like to get
a larger sample of items to check. If anyone has a list of errata that
you could email, s-mail, or fax to me, please let me know off list,
and I'll see what I can do to make it worth your while to get it to

My initial impressions of this new edition, by the way, are quite
positive. Although Carl won't appreciate the frequent tagging of verbs
as deponent, there is a great deal of up-to-date literature cited, and
the comments seem judicious, mostly accurate as far as I can tell, and
genuinely helpful. If anyone has negative assessments of this new
edition that would temper my enthusiasm for it, I'd apprecate hearing
them. By the way, Reinecker's name is now off the cover, and two
generations of Cleon Rogerses are noted as the authors.

Pardon me for steering this thread in another direction. Any responses
should probably change the subject field to something appropriate.

In love to God and neighbor,
Randy Leedy
Bob Jones University
Greenville, SC

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