Re: septuagint - how many times agape (english) appears

From: Trevor M Peterson (
Date: Tue Oct 13 1998 - 06:32:40 EDT

On Mon, 12 Oct 1998 22:5:12 "Robert E Sackett" <>
>I can not figuare out how to find agape in the Septuagint. Is there
>aconcordance for it???? I'm trying to find when the word agape first
>into use in greek.
You can use Hatch & Redpath's concordance to the Septuagint (LXX), but I
don't know how much it would help your search. The classics scholars on
the list can probably be more helpful in this area, but I imagine that
"the word agape first came into use in greek" long before the LXX was
translated. But for what it's worth, I just ran a quick search of
anything starting with AGAP or HGAP and got 340 occurences in the LXX.

Trevor Peterson
Bible/Theology Department
Washington Bible College
Lanham, MD

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