Re: A syntactical database of the NT

From: Randy LEEDY (
Date: Tue Dec 01 1998 - 08:44:38 EST

Thanks to Dale Wheeler and Jonathan Ryder for additional helpful
posts. Dale, I'm glad to hear that perhaps the time frame is not so
long. And if you actually have nearly all the data compiled in
connection with the diagramming work, then, Jonathan, your idea about
mass contributions via internet, however valuable in itself, may prove
unnecessary. At any rate, my own feeling about having a multitude of
contributors is that to do so is to invite a multitude of errors and
inconsistencies in the data. Of course, a really sharp editor could
cull them out, but I think it would be just about as fast to go
through and compile the data oneself as to carefully check the work of
numerous others. Since I won't be able to do anything until at least
the summer, I'll sit back for now and see how Dale's schedule works
out. Thanks again.

In love to God and neighbor,
Randy Leedy
Bob Jones University
Greenville, SC

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