re: the German string....

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Fri Dec 04 1998 - 07:02:27 EST

<x-rich>At 9:11 PM +0000 12/3/98, Jim West wrote:

<excerpt>At 04:18 PM 12/3/98 -0600, you wrote:

>This is a curious proposition; one cannot normally get onto the Graphai

>list without being a member of SBL, i.e. a practically professional NT

>scholar for whom there's hardly even a question whether German is

>important--I say that as one who has not thus far been able to get onto the

>Graphai list: something about having to be qualified.


Say it ain't so Carl--- if ANYONE in qualified to be on Graphai it is you!!!

For heaven's sake- I am on Graphai- and your qualifications surpass mine as

the Sun surpasses the eye of an Owl!

Shocked, amazed, and stricken dumb (don't say a word) :-)


But you are, aren't you, a card-carrying member of SBL? The truth of the matter is that the question was raised this past summer whether we should try to institute a new list on which the issues which we try to keep OFF of B-Greek might be raised legitimately; Stephen Carlson said he thought that Graphai already served this purpose, at which I began to check out Graphai and see if I could subscribe; I found that if one is not a member of SBL one has to petition Jay Treat by e-mail, which I did immediately, but never received an answer from him. Jeffrey Gibson suggested to me that Jay was probably away at the time and never checked carefully through what was probably a mountain of e-mail when he got back--Jeff said I should re-send my message; I haven't thus far but I guess I should. Maybe that gatekeeping serves a useful purpose of permitting sound academic discussion of Biblical issues without having to worry about snotty comments from the extreme left or the extreme right: laypeople aren't really comfortab
le generally in academic discussions (sometimes I'm not either!).

Oh--and thanks for your Thanksgiving Day note. As for the Sun and the eye of an Owl, I thought immediately of an exception to your proverb: what if the eye of the Owl is that of GLAUKWPIS AQHNH?

Cheers, c

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