Re: minimal german

From: Allison Sanders (
Date: Thu Dec 03 1998 - 21:04:02 EST

Dear B-Greekers,
      This thread on the importance of having at least a minimal amount
of German for "serious" study of the NT has really piqued my curiosity. I
studied German for about one year in high school when I was about 15. It
was rather difficult for me and i could not grasp the concept of those
"cases" to save my life! It was enjoyable enough for me to be able to
speak what I could, but trying to memorize those paradigms drove me up
the wall. When I was 17 I started Greek in college and was shocked to see
how much easier it was for me understand the cases and such because of
the little bitty bit of German I had studied. (I'll never forget the day
I really, truly understood how to translate genitive nouns!)
    Shortly before I graduated in May I semi-determined that I would
continue my German study after the Summer. I was interested in doing this
because of the love of languages I had developed (that being my major and
all), and I had seen how much German was used in the reference books I
frequented. At the moment it doesn't look like I'll be delving into
German any time soon, but these posts have certainly encouraged me to at
least try again sometime down the road.
    Oh, and this may seem a rather silly comment to make, but is German
easier after you've had Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic? I read tremendous
amounts of WW2 history on the holocaust, and have found myself
understanding and remembering much of the German (both translated and
untranslated) that I read. Maybe it was just because I was 5 years older,
but it seemed easier then.


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