Re: Minimal German

From: Tim and Sherrie Vermande (
Date: Sat Dec 05 1998 - 07:31:37 EST

Sorry to be a little late with this. The school changed the address which my mail uses and did not tell me, so I couldn't post...

>Subject: Re: Minimal German
>From: "John M. Sweigart" <>
>Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 08:28:11 -0600
>X-Message-Number: 4

>Fellow list members;
>I have always wanted to learn minimal German. Is there in these days of
>advanced technology a short cut way of doing so? .....

I had to take (and did pass) a German exam earlier this semester. I had
little real background in that language. The most useful resource was
Hubert Jannach and Richard Alan Korb, _German for Reading Knowledge_ ,
4th edition, Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1998. ISBN 0-8384-7835-2.

As I recall, the book was rather expensive for its size, but nothing
else (and I did try several others) worked well. It flows naturally, gives
you a useful vocabulary, and there are chapter readings as well as
periodic reviews, all from genuine German literature.

Also, I found it useful to use Paradigm Software's Greek
Flash Pro to learn vocabulary (available at Gramcord's site if I
remember right). There are no German sets with it; I made
one using Vis-Ed's German cards (ISBN 1-55637-006-7) and another with
whatever vocabulary Jannach introduced that wasn't in Vis-Ed.

Then I set forth reading German. You'll need a dictionary--there is a good
section comparing them in the back of Jannach.

More details by private mail if you are interested.

Tim Vermande <>
PhD Candidate in Religious Studies, Southern Methodist University
Tim and Sherrie Vermande <>

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