Re: Lexicons and calling for advice for new students

From: Allison Sanders (
Date: Sun Dec 06 1998 - 12:05:19 EST

> Another good grammar that helps
>form recognition is:
>James Hewitt's "New Testament Greek, A Beginning and Intermediate
>(Hendrickson). ISBN: 0-913573-32-9. CBD or any of the usual suspects
>should have it.
>I haven't gone through Mounce, but I assume his approach is similar -
>bundling tenses/voices together to show the commonality of the endings
>other indicators, so that instant recognition becomes easier.

This is the grammar I used in my first year of Greek. His explanations of
grammatical stuff are not the easiest to understand, but it is definitely
good for learning to recognize the paradigms. And in the very back flap
of the book, there is a listing of every verb form, using LUW. (Do all
grammars use LUW?) It gives every mood, as well as infinitives and
participles. If I remember correctly, my book was about $26 from my
college bookstore. I would imagine that CBD would have amuch better
price. (That's usually the case!)


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