
From: Rodney J. Decker (
Date: Thu Dec 10 1998 - 06:35:55 EST

>the publication by Desiderius Erasmus of the Greek New Testament, soon
> revised by Robert Stephanus and published in 1550 as the "Textus Receptus".

Perhaps that wasn't intended as a technical use of the term "TR", but it
was Bonaventure and Abraham Elzevir (from Leiden) who published the Greek
testament containing the boast that:
     "Textum ergo habes, nunc ab omnibus receptum: in quo nihil immutatum
aut corruptum damus"

from which the nickname "Textus Receptus" arose. And that was in the 1633
edition, not 1550.


Rodney J. Decker, Th.D. Baptist Bible Seminary
Dept. of NT P.O. Box 800, Clarks Summit, PA 18411
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