Re: Apollonius-Canon

From: Kevin W. Woodruff (
Date: Fri Dec 11 1998 - 11:16:29 EST

Trinity Journal the journal of Trinity Evangleical Divinity School in
Deerfield, Illinois

At 04:18 PM 12/11/98 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear B-Greekers,
>recently I almost skipped quite a useful reference on my studies on the
>article in 2Peter, mentioning Apollonius Dyscolus and his canon. Even if
>some of the anarthrous head noun - genitive-noun constructions in 2Peter
>may be Semitisms (that is always hard to find out, especially when there
>is not clear citation of the Hebrew or Greek OT), the canon could be worth
>for explaining some cases where the article is missing.
>The problem is ... I hardly dare to say ... that I am mentally blocked and
>can not find out where to find the journal the abbreviation *TrinJ* is
>referring to (S.D. Hull, Exceptions to ApolloniusŤ Canon in the New
>Testament: A Grammatical Study, in: TrinJ NS, 1986, 3-16)
>I would be quite happy to know what the abbreviation means and which
>volume (1986, but the number?) Wallace in his *Greek Grammar beyond the
>Basics* is quoting from.
>Is anybody out there who can lend me a helping hand.
>Thanks a lot,
>Thomas J. Kraus
>Universitaet Regensburg
>Kath.-theol. Fakultaet
>Universitaetsstr. 31
>D-93053 Regensburg
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Kevin W. Woodruff, M.Div.
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