Re: Translators

From: Kevin W. Woodruff (
Date: Thu Dec 03 1998 - 19:57:05 EST

We've had a copy of "The Message" here for about five years now here at the
University. Someone said that Peterson, "Made the Living Bible look like the
original Greek." Although it is highly touted by men far more erudite and
scholary than me, I really don't like it. It takes by far too many
liberities with the text. A far better alternative is the NLT which has just
recently come out. If you get a copy compare Peterson's rendering of Acts
28: 10,11 with a standard translation. It sounds like Paul, Luke and
Aristarchus are on a Club Med cruise ship. I'm glad that it's causing people
to read the Bible, but the chuckles are probably over something that's not
really there.

But I agree with the Learned Men of the Authorized Version who wrote"...we
affirm and avow that the very meanest translation of the Bible in
English...contains the Word of God, indeed is the Word of God."


At 11:28 AM 12/3/98 +1100, you wrote:
>At 10:54 98/12/02 -0600, Stephen Long wrote:
>>Let me just share a little story about the value of a good modern
>translation. Last night my 15 year-old daughter was enthusiastically
>telling about how much she was enjoying reading the Bible! She was reading
>it at school and chuckled out loud, her friend asked her what was so funny,
>"Nothing," she said, "just reading the Bible". The translation was "The
>Message" by Eugene Peterson. Now I don't know anything about his
>scholarship credentials etc., but he made my daughter enjoy reading the
>Bible, he made it come alive for her, and for that he has this parent's
>I rejoice with Stephen at his daughter's enthusiastic response to the
>reading of the Bible in the form of "The Message".
>This rendering of the Bible is being heavily promoted here in Australia.
>(Is this also happening elsewhere?)
>I would be most interested to read any comments on it by list members who
>have had a good look at it.
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Kevin W. Woodruff, M.Div.
Library Director/Reference Librarian
Professor of New Testament Greek
Cierpke Memorial Library
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