Re: Translators

From: Theodore H. Mann (
Date: Sat Dec 05 1998 - 21:14:06 EST

On Sat, 05 Dec 1998 07:25:58 +0800 Paul Zellmer
<> writes:
>Don Wilkins wrote:
>> I know this is all rather off-topic and I don't want to continue in
that direction, but I am curious as to whether the list members who are
>> want their own children to major in Classics or biblical languages.

Both of my sons are adults now, but thinking back-- I guess not. If they
had chosen to pursue Classics or biblical languages, I would certainly
have supported them, but I think my main concern at the time was that
they enter a field they found both meaningful and remunerative. I
probably should feel a little guilty-- but I can't honestly say that I

Theodore "Ted" H. Mann
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