Re: Aspect junkies relative importance of aspect

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Sat Dec 12 1998 - 16:55:55 EST

At 09:04 PM 12/11/98 -0600, Roy Millhouse wrote:
>As far as aspect and English, I think Mari Olsen, if she's still on the
>list, might dispute that English does not encode aspect, considering she
>spent a chapter of her diss. to show that it does.
Bingo! I think that it is really important that anyone who wants to
understand what aspect is learn how aspect works in their native language.
I think that there has been a lot of unbalanced writing on the subject by
New Testament scholars who haven't really looked at how aspect works in
English, and treat it as a peculiar mystery found only in Greek and Hebrew.

Texcel Research

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