John 10:10

From: John M. Sweigart (
Date: Wed Dec 16 1998 - 14:12:15 EST

I need help with this verse. First of all does the subjunctive suggest
in any way that "the life" and "an abundance" are in any way
conditional? Secondly, what is the relationship between "the life" and
"an abundance". Third, are we talking qualitative or quantitative in
reference to "an abundance". Since I hold that "the life" is a synonym
for the future kingdom even though we have been granted life in the
Spirit in the present, is there any justification for drawing the
abundance or "the life" into the present expereince of believers? Any
help is appreciated. If there is any archive on this, please refer me
to it since the last thing I want to do is waste someone else's time.
P.S. Porky did show up.

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