Re: ARNEOMAI and the double accusative

Date: Fri Dec 18 1998 - 16:02:53 EST

In a message dated 12/18/1998 6:12:17 PM, writes:

<<Charles, a quick check of LSJ shows no such usage. But I don't
understand how that would affect 2 Tim 2:12 anyway. What possible
double accusative do you see here?

It has been argued that since the previous verse has rewards in view that
what is denied the believer in 1 Tim 2:12 is rewards. Thus, the understanding
of the verse is "if we deny Him, He will deny us [rewards]. I'm trying to
determine if the use of ARNEOMAI with the accusative of person alone is
restricted to a denial of relationship or some type of personal denial rather
than denying someone something.

Charles Powell

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