RE: Canticles - rephrase

From: wross (
Date: Sat Dec 19 1998 - 10:18:37 EST

My questions are:

* since the same word is used in Matt 2:2, should we translate that the wise
men were SAYING or SINGING "Where is he that is born King of the Jews, for
we have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him", or that
their words were the text of a song? [not that I object to such].

* are the Gospels a drama or a musical? 8-}

* is the definition of LEGO "1-saying, 2-singing". I have not seen this in
my sources.

I agree that the angels had reason to sing and that nothing in the text
precludes them from having been singing, but is there a sound translation
principle that I am missing that would have the text itself say that they
were? I kind of get uncomfortable when the text says things to the scholars
that it doesn't to old-dumb-as-a-truck me. I'm trying to learn the rules of
interpretation that apply.


Have a wonderful Christmas - saying or singing!

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