ou lambda, y'all...

From: Nichael Lynn Cramer (nichael@sover.net)
Date: Wed Dec 23 1998 - 09:06:15 EST

<x-html><!x-stuff-for-pete base="" src="" id="0"><html>
In recent years, a major part of the build up to Christmas for us has
been <br>
going to see Nowell Sing We Clear (for those not in the area NSWC is a
four-man &quot;Christmas Revels&quot; troupe that plays several shows
around the New <br>
England area this time each each :
<a href="http://www.sover.net/~barrand/NSWC.html" eudora="autourl"><font color="#0000FF"><u>http://www.sover.net/~barrand/NSWC.html></font></u><font color="#000000">).<br>
Anyway, this year their encore piece was a version of &quot;The First
Noel&quot; that <br>
the leader of the group, Tony Barrand, had reputedly picked up in a pub
in <br>
Yorkshire during a trip home to England.<br>
The version was notable for two reasons. First, while (most of, see
below) <br>
the lyrics were the same as in the &quot;standard&quot; version, the
melody was <br>
completly different. A bit rowdy, actually. Sort of what you would expect
from a bunch of festive pub-dwellers singing around the fireplace in an
old <br>
episode of &quot;All Creatures Great and Small&quot;.<br>
Second, while I've always loved this carol, their version included a
final <br>
verse that I must admit to having never heard before. So attached below
is a copy of the verse --back-morphed to fit the standard melody.<br>
[The first of each pair of lines is a &quot;guide verse&quot;. Much more
helpful in <br>
a fixed-width font.]<br>
</font><font face="Courier, Courier">&nbsp; | The | first | No- | el |
the | ang-els | did | sing | <br>
&nbsp; | A&nbsp;&nbsp; | B&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | and | C&nbsp; | and
| D------ | and | E&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | <br>
&nbsp; | was | to | cert- | ain | poor | shep- | herds | <br>
&nbsp; | and -----| F&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | G&nbsp;&nbsp; |
H&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | I&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |
J&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | in | fields | as | they | lay | <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | K&nbsp; | M&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |
N&nbsp; | O&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | P&nbsp;&nbsp; |<br>
&nbsp; | In | fields | where | they | lay | keep- | ing |<br>
&nbsp; | and| Q&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | and&nbsp;&nbsp; |
R&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | and | S&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |&nbsp;&nbsp; T
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | their | sheep | <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | U&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |&nbsp;
V&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |<br>
&nbsp; | On | a&nbsp; | cold | win- | ters | night | which |<br>
&nbsp; | and---- | doub-| -le- | -U&nbsp;&nbsp; |
X&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | and&nbsp;&nbsp; |<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; | was | so&nbsp; | deep | <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |&nbsp;&nbsp; Y | and |&nbsp;
Z&nbsp;&nbsp; |<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; No-L ... No-L.... No-L.... No-L...<br>
</font>Merry/Happy/Jolly whatevertheheckyouwant, ol' net.buddies.<br>
May the next year grant us no more months like this last one.<br>


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