Re: 1 Cor 11:2

From: Randy LEEDY (
Date: Thu Dec 24 1998 - 10:54:59 EST

A couple of addenda to the just-sent message (hopefully this one won't
end up appearing FIRST!).

1) I know what's wrong with the whole idea of deponency from Carl's
viewpoint. So, Carl, I'm not troubling you with a request for further
elaboration. I stated, but did not stress, that I'm wondering what's
wrong with my idea *from the viewpoint Dale represents.*

2) I could have clarified that what I'm wondering regarding BAGD's
connection with Gramcord's scheme is whether that scheme was INFERRED
from BAGD (by Boyer or someone else) rather than actually set forth in
that work or elsewhere, and whether it may actually be somewhat novel.

Randy Leedy

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