Re: Verses which need to be read in the Grk

From: Joseph A. Weaks (
Date: Mon Dec 28 1998 - 16:12:34 EST

Oustanding thread. I immediately thought of John 3:16. I slip this
insight into nearly every class I teach in the parish. Everyone until they
encounter Greek understands the traditional translation "For God so loved
the world" to mean that God sent his son because he loved the world
soooooooo much. (How's that for unqualified generalization, Carl?) That
may be the case, but it is not what this verse says. In Greek, it becomes
clear that HOUTWS is simply the adverb form of HOUTOS and means "thisly,
thus, or in this way." This is the way that God *chose* to express that
love. One could suppose that God might have chosen another way; but God in
fact loved us in this way.


Joseph A. Weaks
Minister of the Word
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Spearman, TX
"Let unity be our polar star." -GMP KT

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