Re: Verses which need to be read in the Grk

From: Byron P. Knutson (
Date: Fri Jan 01 1999 - 14:48:21 EST

Perhaps you might peruse the following few books which are designed to help
motivate those wondering about the value of learning the Biblical languages:

1. The Practical Use of the Greek New Testament, by Kenneth S. Wuest

2. The Minister and His Greek New Testament, by A. T. Robertson

for Hebrew there is a set:

1. Sermons in Syntax: or Studies in the Hebrew Text, by Rev. John Adams

2. Sermons in Accents: or Studies in the Hebrew Text, by Rev. John Adams

(both my copies were T & T Clark, 1906)

These have been helpful motivators for me to pursue my language studies.

Byron Knutson

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