Re: Meaning of ARNEOMAI

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (
Date: Sat Jan 02 1999 - 19:38:22 EST

At 13:29 02/01/99 EST, you wrote:
>Does anyone know of any references, biblical or extra-biblical where ARNEOMAI
>or its cognates means "deny" in the sense of "refuse"? Is this sense possible
>in 2 Tim 2:12?
>Charles Powell
BAGD cites Hb. 11:24 for 'refuse' as a meaning of ARNEOMAI, and the NRSV
translates this verse as:
" By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called a son of
Pharaoh's daughter"

Is this the sense of 'refuse' you mean, I wonder?

If it is, then you will be interested in the BAGD entry: for section (1)

refuse, disdain (Hes., Works 408; Appian, Syr. 5 ¤19; Artem. 1, 78 p. 72,
26; 5, 9; Diog. L. 2, 115; 6, 36; Jos., Ant. 4, 86; 5, 236, Vi. 222) w.
inf. foll. (Hdt. 6, 13; Wsd 12:27; 17:9)

The Wis. 12:27 citation, ;RSV= whom they had before refused to know.] in

And the Josephus Ant. 4,86 usage looks to be a straightforward use in your
"But Sihon refused his offer, and put his army into battle array,"

BTW, I see that Lampe notes a usage --- really an extensionof the main
patristic usage of 'deny, disown, repudiate' -- in the absolute, which
means "to apostatize" and adds:
" note in this connexion the sum of the numerals ARNOUME = 666"

I can see _that_ being of great interest to some groups as we approach the
millenium <vbg>

Hope this helps.


Maurice A. O'Sullivan

Rabbi Eleazar Hakappar used to say: You were conceived without being
consulted, you were born without being consulted, you live without being
consulted, and you'll die without being consulted. And without being
consulted, you are going to account for yourself before the King of Kings
of Kings, The Blessed Holy One. (Avot 4:29)

He did NOT say: "Have a nice day!"

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