EPEITA in Gal 1.18, 21 and 2.1

From: Jack Painter (jackp@amdg.com.ph)
Date: Mon Jan 04 1999 - 22:45:55 EST

I have a question regarding the sequence of events in Galatian 1 and 2. The
temporal adverb EPEITA occurs three times in 1.18, 21 and 2.1. Longenecker,
Galatians, 45, argues " the probablity is that the three years of 1.18 and
the fourteen years of 2.1 are to be understood concurrently, not
consecutively--that is, that both are to be measured from Paul's conversion
and not that the fourteen years are to be counted from his first Jerusalem
visit." Longenecker give no external examples to undergird his proposition.
J.L. Martyn, Galatians, 180-182, comes to roughly the same position.

Bauer and LSJ seem to imply that EPEITA used in a temporal sequence denotes
succession (consecutive events) not concurrency. In Paul's other use of the
term this way, succession is the impication (1Cor 15.5-8). Are there any
examples in Greek literature to anyone's knowledge that would indicate

R. Jackson Painter, Ph.D.
Acting Academic Dean
Alliance Biblical Seminary
Manila, Philippines

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