Re: online searchable GNT/LXX (2)

From: Mark Goodacre (
Date: Thu Jan 07 1999 - 08:41:34 EST

On 7 Jan 99 at 13:10, Mark Goodacre wrote:

> On 7 Jan 99 at 13:00, Jonathan Ryder wrote:
> > I'm sure I've seen this request before but don't remember the answer. Is
> > there an online searchable GNT/LXX tagged or otherwise on the Net?
> gopher://
> This is on-line and "tagged" but not searchable (except of course manually on
> your own machine).

Sorry -- didn't notice the GNT bit; for some reason, my eyes just caught the
LXX bit. For on-line Greek NT texts, have a look at my Recommended Greek NT

For interlinears, have a look at the one Jonathan mentions (which you can use
without having the relevant font installed) or look at this one:

This is from Goshen and features Greek and Hebrew, but you will need to have
the relevant BST fonts installed first.

Dr Mark Goodacre
  Dept of Theology tel: +44 121 414 7512
  University of Birmingham fax: +44 121 414 6866
  Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom


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