Re: standard looking for review texts newcomer message

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (
Date: Mon Jan 11 1999 - 14:19:30 EST

At 12:25 11/01/99, you wrote:
> Hello all,
>The subject line says it all. I am looking for the latest info on good
>Beginning/Intermediate NT Greek texts (Christian Latin too, as a matter of
>I need to see where I am with Greek and Latin 20 years after my BA in Greek
>from Bryn Mawr. I will be starting divinity school in the fall and would
>like to start a review process now. Maybe I've retained enough that I can
>out of a summer intensive!!!
>Point me in the right direction for resources, if you can.
Have a look at Mark Goodacre's home page:



Maurice A. O'Sullivan
[Bray, Ireland]

"Apply yourself wholly to the text; apply the text wholly to yourself."
- Johann Albrecht Bengel

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