Counting letters

From: Wieland Willker (
Date: Sat Jan 09 1999 - 16:30:54 EST

Today I converted a NA 26 from uppercase Latin letters to the Symbol font.
These are the results for the letters:

a 76.111
e 67.255
o 66.439
i 64.790

n 56.434
s 51.716
t 51.209
u 39.688

h 26.966
k 23.950
r 23.129
p 21.550

w 21.402
m 19.701
l 18.368
d 12.773

g 11.150
q 10.784
x 5.237
f 4.030

b 3.517
c 2.228
z 1.572
y 947

So, the winner is: "a"
Interesting is the poor result for "b"

This makes 680.946 letters in the NA 26 GNT.
And, take a seat: It is divisible by 42!!!!!
16213 x 42
Is this a TC criterion?

Everything without guarantee.

Best wishes
Wieland Willker
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