From: Stephen C. Carlson (
Date: Thu Jan 14 1999 - 22:48:19 EST

At 09:23 AM 1/14/99 -0600, wrote:
>Mark and Edward, Denny Diehl here
>Thanks for all the leg work on BAPTISMOS. As pointed out:
>>West Saxon I (c. 990) uses the term "baptista" of John the Baptist
>>(Matt. 3.1 and Luke 9.19); and at John 3.22 we have "baptizabat":
>>"...eius in iudeam terram. & ibi demorabatur cum eis & baptizabat".
>>But as Stephen pointed out, the word for baptism is fulluht, e.g.
>>Matt. 3.7: "SoÝlice ßa he geseh manega ß¾ra sunder-halgena &
>>ß¾ra riht-wisendra to his fulluhte cumende."
>>So too West Saxon II (c. 1175), which does not even have John as
>>"baptista" in Matt. 3.1 but rather "fulluhtere"
>Any of the BAPT words would be transliterations from Greek
>BAPTISMOS (and other forms). But what about "fulluht"? Was
>that a translation of BAPTISMOS? And if a translation, what did
>it mean? Thanks again for the help.

I've done a little digging. Roger Lass, OLD ENGLISH: A Historical
Linguistic Companion (Cambridge: University Press, 1994), p.95
states that "fulluht" is a reduction of "ful-wiht", literally
"cup sanctification." This suggests to me that the Anglo-Saxons
thought of baptism more in terms of affusion than immersion.

Stephen Carlson

Stephen C. Carlson              
Synoptic Problem Home Page
"Poetry speaks of aspirations, and songs chant the words."  Shujing 2.35

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