Clement of Alexandria

From: Rick H Duggin (
Date: Tue Jan 19 1999 - 10:40:55 EST

In Hart's comments on UPOGRAMMON IN 1 Pt.2:21
(Expositor's Gk. Testament) he refers to Clement of
Alexandria who gives three examples of a copy-head
or pattern to be traced over by writing-pupils.

Hart cites this as one of Clement's examples --

1. The second word means sphinx. Surely the first
"word" is not a real Greek word. Is it a combination
of words (e.g., PLHKTRON)? And/or Is it designed
merely as a memory aid to help students write their letters?

2. If the first "word" is manufactured to aid in writing
the letters, why is the letter upsilon missing? (Or am
I missing something?)

3. Does anyone know Clement's other two examples?

Thanks for your help.

Rick Duggin
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