Re: Basil Gildersleeve

From: Stephen C. Carlson (
Date: Mon Jan 18 1999 - 21:25:50 EST

I found the following book review of SOLDIER AND SCHOLAR: Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve
and the Civil War, at :

I will quote the first of many paragraphs:

>Readers of Columbiad have likely never encountered Basil Gildersleeve or
>anyone remotely resembling this giant of letters. Born in Charleston, South
>Carolina, in 1831 and raised in Richmond, Virginia, Gildersleeve earned a
>Ph.D. in classics from the University of Gšttingen in 1853 and taught Greek
>and Latin at the University of Virginia until 1876, when he defected to
>Johns Hopkins University to direct the first German-style graduate seminar
>program in the United States. Gildersleeve taught at John Hopkins for forty
>years, edited the American Journal of Philology for half a century, and
>before his death in 1924, had become the foremost classicist in the United
>States. He was one of the most celebrated scholars of his age, receiving
>honorary doctorates from Oxford and Cambridge universities for his lifelong
>crusade in promoting the study of classical literature.

Stephen Carlson

Stephen C. Carlson              
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