RE: Greek fonts in WinWord 97

From: Hultberg, Alan (
Date: Tue Jan 19 1999 - 16:17:44 EST


>From: Edgar Krentz on Tue, Jan 19, 1999 9:29 AM

>>I think this is a problem with any font that Word considers to be a
>>"symbol" font. It wrecks havoc with my teaching documents for Greek. (I
>>have my "overheads" in Word, but with text set at 8 point, whichis
>>unreadable ont he screen. I control the flow of info and class presentation
>>by gradually increasing the font size from 8 to 36 point.) My workaround is
>>a Word macro that "converts" by text so that all interveaning spaces are
>>formatted for Times New Roman font instead of Greek. The lines then end
>>correctly and Greek words are not divided.
>I don't know much about this. I have not had trouble using SPIonic or Greek
>Keys or any other Greek font on my Mac in MSWord 5.1 or 6.0.
>Maybe it's another reason to stick with my MAC!

. . . and all God's people said, "Amen!"

My experience is the same as Dr. Krentz's.


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