Re: Gildersleeve & the Greek NT

Date: Thu Jan 21 1999 - 14:04:30 EST

Paul Dixon asked:

<< >What works, if any, related particularly to the Greek NT
>or to the LXX did Gildersleeve author (commentaries, grammars,
>articles in journals, etc.)? Anybody know?
>Sincere thanks,
>Paul Dixon
> >>

In the American Journal of Philology, volumes 23.1, 23.2 and 23.3 Gildersleeve
wrote a series of articles entitled, "Problems in Greek Syntax." The only
reference to the GNT that I recall, and that I located after re-reviewing the
articles this morning, is in the third article, page 17, note 1, where
reference is made Blass, the NT, and also to Justin Martyr.

See also Gildersleeve's article in this same journal, volume 11 (1890), "On
the Article with Proper Names."

Greg Stafford

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