outws, in Acts 17:33

From: Robert W. Meyers (bwmeyers@atnet.net)
Date: Fri Jan 22 1999 - 08:10:13 EST

One tr. reads, "So Paul departed from among them."

I'm wondering if this has the sense, "this is the manner in which Paul left them,"
or, which seems more natural (and which would seem to have a very striking logical impact on the question of Calvinism/Arminianism: the reason for my interest),
"therefore, Paul left them" ? In other words, is the verse saying that God's
response to the Athenian philosophers' reactions to His message was the natural and necessary logical result of those reactions?

Does outws carry either possible meaning, and the question is therefore grammatically
impossible to answer with certainty; or otherwise?

Thank you,

Bob Christ Died to Save You

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