Re: Differences btw. NA 26 and NA 27

From: Perry L. Stepp (
Date: Fri Jan 22 1999 - 14:36:11 EST

From: Jim West <jwest@Highland.Net>

>>I've always understood that the two editions (actually four, if you count
>>the 3rd corrected and 4th UBS editions) were identical. But I've found
>>admittedly minor but substantive textual difference between the NA 26 and

>sure- the editors themselves do at the back of the edition. For instance-
>if ya look at the appendix of NA27 you will discover a section titled
>"editionum differentiae".

Wrong. The Editionum Differentiae (at least the one in the back of *my* NA
27) doesn't list variations from the NA 26, only those from the NA 25 (along
with other non-NA editions).


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