Re: Differences btw. NA 26 and NA 27

From: John Baima (
Date: Fri Jan 22 1999 - 17:05:46 EST

>Perry Stepp's question is well-taken; the editors do indeed claim that
>NA-26 and NA-27 and UBS-GNT-3c and UBS-GNT-4 have the same TEXT, and that
>as of the latter edition of each, even punctuation is the same, "with
>rare exceptions."

I'm sure that there are some changes between GNT3c and GNT4. I do not have
them at hand, but I could generate the list if I have some time to kill.
There are still a handfull differences in the NA and UBS texts (sorry for
the beta code!)
                UBS NA
Act 17:7 pra/ssousi > pra/ssousin
Rom 11:25 a)/xris > a)/xri
1Co 6:3 mh/tige > mh/ti ge
1Co 9:1 e(w/raka > e(o/raka
1Co 11:26 a)/xris > a)/xri
2Co 8:5 a)ll' > a)lla\
2Co 11:25 e)rabdi/sqhn > e)rrabdi/sqhn

John Baima
Silver Mountain Software 1029 Tanglewood Dr, Cedar Hill TX 75104-3019
Fax 972 293-6641 Voice 972 293-2920

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