re: arsenokoite

From: Ray Clendenen (
Date: Mon Jan 25 1999 - 11:20:06 EST

Ray Clendenen@BSSBNOTES
01/25/99 10:20 AM

J. P. Louw and E. A. Nida, Greek-English Lexicon, United Bible Societies,
88.280: m: a male partner in homosexual intercourse

? ?homosexual.? ...
?don?t you know that ? no adulterers or homosexuals ? will receive the
kingdom of God? 1Cor 6:9-10. It is possible that arsenokoites in certain
contexts refers to the active male partner in homosexual intercourse in
contrast with malakos, the passive male partner (88.281).
Liddell and Scott, Greek-English Lexicon, defines it as 'lying with men'.
Ray Clendenen
Broadman & Holman Publishers

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