Re: imperative form of APOKALUPTW

From: Julian Waterfield (
Date: Thu Jan 28 1999 - 14:16:01 EST

It's neither, I believe. APOKALUPTW will become APOKALUYATW.
(Y being Psi, I hope). APOKALUPTETW is pres act imperative. It will never
be APE... as the augment is lost in the imperative.

Julian Waterfield
Exeter College, Oxford, OX1 3DP
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey B. Gibson <>
To: Biblical Greek <>
Date: 28 January 1999 19:03 PM
Subject: imperative form of APOKALUPTW

>Don't know why I can't figure this out myself, buy is the 3rd sing
>aorist active imperative of APOKALUPTW APOKALUPTETW or APEKALUPTETW?
>And does any one know what the Greek word or words stand as the
>equivalent of the Hebrew or Aramaic for "reveal" as in "may your Kingdom
>be revealed"?
>Jeffrey Gibson
>Jeffrey B. Gibson
>7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
>Chicago, Illinois 60626
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