RE: "pros ton theon"

From: Andrew T. Dolan, ABD (
Date: Sat Jan 30 1999 - 12:04:53 EST

I was taught that PROS indicated a reciprocal action between both parties.
it was more a 'toward each other' than one toward the other. ????

As I recall, in his two-volume Anchor Bible commentary on the Gospel of
John, Raymond Brown notes that the Classical nuance of the accusative pros
doesn't always endure in Koine. I don't have that volume with me at home,
but the discussion was with regard to Jn 1.1b, where, Brown notes, pros
doesn't denote motion toward ton theon, but rather a sort of static or
punctiliar "in the presence of."

Andrew T. Dolan, Ph.D. Cand.
Core Adjunct Professor of Religion and Classics
McShain Hall 211
LaSalle University - 129
1900 W. Olney Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19141-1199
(215) 951-1327

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