Re: PROS [ton qeon]

From: Joseph Garnier (
Date: Wed Feb 03 1999 - 15:34:05 EST

I very much enjoy the discussion among "big Greeks" as you try to find
universal standards of applicability for Greek phrases, words, and now
letters. As a 'miniscule Greek' it seems anything I have to say is
redundant, superfluous, or pedestrian. That being the case, like Peter I
will speak up anyway, because perhaps my view will have some redeeming

I particularly love John 1:1 for its transcendence. As often as I read it
I gain new appreciation for the magnificence of God. In my opinion, the
first phrase, EN ARCHE HN O LOGOS hinges one HN. The word was at the
beginning; the word, the basic unit of conscious thought, already existed
prior to the creation of matter, which necessitates action of the
consciousness within time and space to create it.

The second phrase is equally wonderful: KAI O LOGOS HN PROS TON QEON
Borrowing from Smiths Greek Grammar, PROS properly means facing or
fronting, and I understand this to be: and the word existed fronting God.
But you may say that fronting is not transitory, but positional (this is
the cause of this discussion, right?) As consciousness, the word is
fronting the unconscious totality of the mind, God. Consciousness exists
as action, and so the word fronting is directional. As Jung pointed out,
the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness is not qualitative
or quantitative, but is the presence or absence of choice, choosing between
opposing characteristics within the mind of the individual. In the case of
God, this would be all things possible, and his actions are then above the
rules of morality which he determined for humanity. At the moment God
determined to create we have recognition of the consciousness who is the
second personage fronting the unconsciousness, choosing from within himself
the ideas to be effected. By being active the consciousness of God is, and
remains only by activity, so the position of fronting God is one that would
be destroyed by inaction. This, fortunately, cannot happen by the
character of the being to whom it is.

I do not wish to become overtly theological in this forum, but some
explantion has to be offered to back up my contention that facing, or
fronting is directional and present tense with implication of future if the
condition which allows fronting or facing continues. And so it appears
that the discussion has two esteemed advocates proposing each half of the
total, and between your minds the meaning has emerged.

                   By the benevolence of the one God, Joseph Garnier

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