Re: 666

From: Eric Cohoon (
Date: Thu Feb 11 1999 - 10:36:38 EST

Hi Jim and b-greek,

Can't claim a great deal of expertise in these areas, but I did take a quick look at the web sight and it reminds me of Jeremiah 10:2. Looks like a choice spot for the current group of Neo-Pagans. Perhaps not without value in understanding and weeding out our own pagan theological roots though.

In the Anointed One,

Hebrews 2:17 Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.

"He that fearth Lord to doubt, in that fear doubteth thee." George MacDonald

>>> Jim West <jwest@Highland.Net> 02/11/99 02:09AM >>>
At 08:04 AM 2/11/99 -0600, you wrote:
>But before anybody jumps to conclusions... including myself.. I
>was wondering if one of the people in this list that know a great
>deal more than I concerning languages.. if they could go to this
>web site and "verify" its content.
>Thanks for the help.
>Pastor Dan Oglesby


The site does indeed calculate various numerical values for Greek, Latin,
and Hebrew words (assuming one spells them correctly, in latin, greek, or
hebrew forms). And it does correctly assign numerical values to those letters.

the immediate comment i would have is- so what? gematria might be a fun
game- but it is virtually (read totally) meaningless for interpretation of
greek, latin or hebrew texts.

there is one place- total- in the bible where a writer uses gemtria- and the
meaning of that passage is clear enough anyway.



Jim West, ThD
Quartz Hill School of Theology

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