Re: Greek NT editions available for purchase

From: Nichael Lynn Cramer (
Date: Sun Mar 07 1999 - 21:12:46 EST

Edward Hobbs wrote:

>The answer is that Tischendorf's editions have not been published in this
>century, and Westcott-Hort has not been done for a very long time.
>Second-hand bookstores often have a copy of Westcott-Hort available
>(no doubt because it was the standard student's text for a long time
>before the Nestle editions became more readily available). But Tischendorf
>editions are hard to come by. [...]

They do turn up --albeit rarely-- in the strangest places. The Harvard
Divinity School library used to (I don't think they've done it for a couple
of years) have a "ready-to-be-tossed-out" book sale every spring. Four or
five years back I picked up a very ratty --but still usable-- copy of
Tischendorf's Septuagint for, as I recall, $1.50.


Nichael Cramer                           nulla dies sine linea

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