Re: thanatos

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Mon Mar 08 1999 - 05:20:51 EST

At 08:59 AM 3/8/99 -0600, you wrote:
>"Carl W. Conrad" wrote:
>> Let me just add another comment to Jeffrey's question about the question:
>> it appears to be a question about an unnamed text wherein some idea of
>> separation may be implicit or explicit because of some other stated or
>> implicit contextual assumptions.

Jeff replied-

>And let me underscore Carl's remarks on my question about a question by
saying that
>the original question regarding the original meaning/etymology of QANATOS
>more to be a question about what death itself *is* or how the ancients
regarded the
>"experience" (with apologies to Wittengestein) than one on the meaning of
the word.

Perhaps its just me- but I just took the question at face value and presumed
that the chap who asked it wanted to know if the stem "qan" derived from
some such word as would connote "separation". The answer is a simple no.

On my earlier "prawn" post- thanks for the correction. My stubby fingers
reversed the order of a couple of letters and, viola!, street walkers became
sea creatures!!! If I could do it on a computer I wonder how many NT
scribes did it.....

Anyway- back to our more delightful discussion of Mr Death, who always
appears when one eats canned salmon.




Jim West, ThD
Quartz Hill School of Theology
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