Re: BDAG publication date

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Mon Mar 08 1999 - 21:44:35 EST

At 02:45 PM 3/8/99 -0600, Edgar Krentz wrote:
>"The Press is setting copy, but I have ceased assuming the role of a prophet,
>lest I fall under the biblical indictments of false prophets. Actually, the
>world is full of hot-shot electronic technicians, but something like the
>simple matter of proper Greek word division is for them akin to the Y2K
>problem. By the way, the acronym for the new edition will be BDAG. Many are
>the alterations, and the inclusion of new material is rather extensive."

Hmmmmph. I bet several of us computer scientists on the list could handle
that nicely. I just hope they get it out before they have to see if his
software is Y2K compliant, he's using an old version of the SoftQuad editor...

Texcel Research

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