Fwd: beginning Greek student

From: Benjamin Raymond (bfraymond@prodigy.net)
Date: Mon Mar 15 1999 - 13:08:31 EST

Hi all,

I just received this mildly amusing, if prosaic, piece from a fellow
classmate at Harding who is fulfilling his Greek requirement for B.Min.
degree under Dr. Paul Pollard.

>Scott Martin
>March 4, 1999
>The sun did not shine
>It was to wet to play
>So we sat in the house
>All that cold, cold, wet day
>I sat there with Charlie
>We sat there we two
>And then I said truly
>I don't know what to do!
>Diphthongs you say
>Oh what can they be?
>Why letters combined
>>From the Greek Vocabulary
>We sat there star gazing
>Confused and annoyed
>I myself was ready
>To see the Good Lord!
>Four weeks said Charlie
>And then you can go
>But right now get started
>On sentence # 4
>Dr. Pollard is watching,
>How much work will they do?
>Without any effort
>He'll have to flunk you!
>Be prepared for a quiz
>Sit up, look alive
>If you are a good student
>That might save your hide.
>Those words will come
>"Grab a clean sheet"
>How I hate when that happens
>It makes me feel week.
>But onward I go
>Struggling to get by
>But through it all
>OLE Docs a pretty good guy!!!

Benjamin Raymond, B.Min.
8 Margaret St.
Essex Jct., VT 05452
ICQ# 33730183

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